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Magento2 – Add custom price of Product when adding to cart

First create events.xml file in folder ‘EasyndFaster/Custom/etc/frontend’ and use event ‘checkout_cart_product_add_after’ .     ...



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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Magento 2.1.X change favicon

1. Login to your Magento Admin Panel.

2. Click on Content => Configuration => Select your current theme => HTML Head

3. In the panel on the left under Design Configuration, click Edit your current website, storeview.

4. Expand the HTML Head section. Then, do the following:

5. Click on Choose File. Then, find the favicon file that you prepared.

6. Click on Save Config.

Magento 2.0.X change favicon

1. Login to your Magento Admin Panel.

2. Click on STORES tab from the left sidebar.

3. Click on Settings => Configuration section:

4. Click on left hand side => General tab => Design. After that, expand HTML Head tab from the right panel.

5. Now upload your favicon, click on the Choose File button and select your favicon image.

6. When you are done, click on the Save Config to set your new favicon.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Commenting PHP Code

A comment is the portion of a program that exists only for the human reader and stripped out before displaying the programs result. There are two commenting formats in PHP:

Single-line comments: They are generally used for short explanations or notes relevant to the local code. Here are the examples of single line comments

Multi-lines comments: They are generally used to provide pseudocode algorithms and more detailed explanations when necessary. The multiline style of commenting is the same as in C. Here are the example of multi lines comments.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Magento 2 Change fronetnd logo?

Magento 2.0

  • On the Admin sidebar, click on Stores. Then under Settings, choose Configuration.
  • In the panel on the left under General choose Design.
  • If you have multiple stores or views, set Store View in the upper-left corner to the view where the configuration applies. Then, clear the checkbox after each field so new values can be entered.
  • Expand the Header section. Then, do the following:

Magento 2.1

  • From Magento 2.1, this path was changed. It is located at Content > Configuration > Select your current theme > Header

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Hello World in PHP

In below is the code to write "Hello World" in php.

Hello World

  • Create "Helloworld" folder in xampp\htdocs\. (Path like :- \xampp\htdocs\Helloworld)
  • Now create index.php file in your "Helloworld" folder.
  • In "index.php" write below code.
    • <?php
      echo "Hello World";
  • Now save file.
  • Open your browser and run your folder 
    • like :- http://localhost/Helloworld/

Sunday, June 3, 2018