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Magento2 – Add custom price of Product when adding to cart

First create events.xml file in folder ‘EasyndFaster/Custom/etc/frontend’ and use event ‘checkout_cart_product_add_after’ .     ...



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Monday, January 14, 2019

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Type of payment methods.

  1. Hosted Payment Gateways
  2. Pro / Self Hosted Payment Gateways
  3. API / Non Hosted Payment Gateways
  4. Local bank integration
  5. Direct Payment Gateway
  6. Platform Based Payment Gateway Solutions

What is a hosted payment gateway?

Hosted payment gateways will take a customer off from your website checkout page. Once user clicks on pay now button at your website, user will be redirected to payment service provider (psp) page. Here user need to fill his/her payment details. Once the customer has paid, he/she will be redirected back to your website to finish the checkout process.

Which technologies is Magento ?

  • Redis version 3.2 (compatible with 2.4+ ) for page caching and session storage
  • Varnish version 4.x or 5.0
  • memcached latest stable version for session storage with either memcache or memcached PHP extensions (latest stable version)

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Magento 2.1.X change favicon

1. Login to your Magento Admin Panel.

2. Click on Content => Configuration => Select your current theme => HTML Head

3. In the panel on the left under Design Configuration, click Edit your current website, storeview.

4. Expand the HTML Head section. Then, do the following:

5. Click on Choose File. Then, find the favicon file that you prepared.

6. Click on Save Config.

Magento 2.0.X change favicon

1. Login to your Magento Admin Panel.

2. Click on STORES tab from the left sidebar.

3. Click on Settings => Configuration section:

4. Click on left hand side => General tab => Design. After that, expand HTML Head tab from the right panel.

5. Now upload your favicon, click on the Choose File button and select your favicon image.

6. When you are done, click on the Save Config to set your new favicon.